Dic 20
Brighter project: new light to fabricate biological tissues

Dic 20
Cellendes launches a video showing the photopolymerization process of hydrogels

Jul 19
Barcelona hosts the kick-off meeting of the EU project BRIGHTER

May 19
Producing tissue and organs through lithography
FRANKFURT. The production of artificial organs is a hot research topic. In the near future, artificial organs will compensate for the lack of organ donations and replace animal experiments. Although there are already promising experiments with 3D printers that use a "bio-ink" containing living cells, a functional organ has never been created in this way. A European consortium coordinated by Dr Elena Martinez (IBEC, Barcelona, Spain) and involving the Goethe University Frankfurt is now breaking new ground. The consortium is developing a lithography method that relies on light sheet illumination and on special photosensitive hydrogels that are mixed with living cells.
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Abr 19
New EU project at BMLS